
Congratulations on the birth of your child! The Parish Community shares in your joy. Thank you for wanting to have your baby join the family of the Church through Baptism. By asking for your baby’s Baptism, you are publicly thanking God for His gift to you and making a commitment to bring up your child in the Christian faith. We will help you carry out your decision by giving you our wholehearted support.
Baptisms at St Mary’s Cathedral are by arrangement and take place on Sundays immediately following the 11.00am Mass – usually at 12.15pm. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. You may be asked to provide a Birth Certificate to verify details.
Choosing a Christian Name
While the choice of a name for your child is very personal and may reflect family or cultural backgrounds parents are asked to choose a at least one name from the Christian tradition as a ‘Christian Name’. This name should be a name of a saint or a person from the Bible whose charism or story will be inspirational and significant in the life of the child.

On the day….
Bring a Baptismal candle
A white garment (shawl or Christening robe) which will be put on during the ceremony.
It is customary to give an offering to the priest. Local tradition suggests that this is done by the godparents, however, it is the parents who ask for Baptism for their child.
Registration of Baptism
After the ceremony, the baptism will be recorded in the Baptismal Register of the parish. This record includes the full names of the child, parents and godparents, the child’s date of birth, the date of the baptism and the name of the officiating priest or deacon. A parent will be asked to complete a form giving permission for the parish to record this data.
A Certificate of Baptism can then be issued by the parish as and when required.
We, by Baptism, are immersed in that inexhaustible source of life which is the death of Jesus, the greatest act of love in all of history; and thanks to this love we can live a new life, no longer at the mercy of evil, of sin and of death, but in communion with God and with our brothers and sisters.
— General Audience | 8 January 2014